Behind The Scenes of Our Commercial Production for eLEND

Behind The Scenes of Our Commercial Production for eLEND

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We recently produced a humorous commercial spot for eLEND to promote their home renovation loans. Loans aren’t humorous you say? Not so! There are dozens of blunderous scenarios that resonate strongly with home owners and buyers.

To produce this spot, we leveraged many of our in-house capabilities: from creative development, to scripting and casting, filming, editing and much more.  See how we did it, and watch the final commercial below!

The Concept

To take the topic of home improvement from precarious to hilarious, we conceived multiple light-hearted scenarios that long-time home owners or first-time home buyers might face: from the inconvenient to the impractical to the….well, ugly and outdated!

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Set design was essential for creating these scenes, including a kitchen with tumbling cabinets, a cramped bedroom and a super 70’s bathroom with retro wallpaper and those old Golden yellow bathroom fixtures!

The Talent

We cast multiple actors to portray a variety of homeowner demographics, and also cast and scripted for a leading spokesman. We cast actor Andy Peeke for the role of spokesman knowing he’d be perfect for this gently witty role.

Commercial Production NJOn production day our hair, makeup and wardrobe styling professionals transformed all the actors, and get them in perfect on-camera condition. Between takes, hair and makeup are touched up and maintained throughout the shoot.

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Our wardrobe stylist Michele sourced everything from shirts to jewelry to transform this actor, while hair-stylist Tiffany takes him back to the 70’s with a wig and mustache. Groovy!

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The Crew

Meanwhile, the crew sets up and tests all lighting, sound and camera equipment. So much preparation took place before filming, from scripting to set building among other pre-production details.  Now it’s time for ‘Action’!

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Production time is when all of the scripting, planning, set building and other details come together to be captured on film. This is why it’s best to work with professional actors, writers and equipment operators. Working with a team that knows the process inside and out is more efficient and makes the production outcome much more successful.

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It’s a mega-bonus to work with a team that has a great time and makes the production process enjoyable!

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commercial production nj That’s a wrap!

Watch this commercial for eLEND:

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